Complete Automated V-Ball Control Valves Built with Actuation and Positioners
Flo-Tite Sentinel Control Valve – Segmented Design
Flotite Sentinal Series V-Notch Control Ball Valve Series. Flange or Wafer Style B16.34 type connections in Class 150, Class 300 and Class 600 Pressure Class. Wafer to Class 300.
Materials of Construction Include Carbon Steel & Stainless Steel in 304, 316, 317 and 2205.
Flo-Tite’s Sentinel series is a quarter turn control valve generally recommended for throttling service. Our segmented ball valve combines globe control flow characteristics with the efficiency of a rotary type ball valve.
The segmented ball is a V-notch design with a self-cleaning design, especially suitable for control of media containing fiber and tiny solids. Segmented ball valves were originally designed for the Pulp and Paper industry. Segmented ball valves have now extended beyond, to other Industrial Markets such as Petro-Chemical, Power Generation, Petroleum Industries and Chemical Manufacturing.
Full PDF File: Flo-Tite Sentinel Control Valve – Segmented Design

Splined connectionbetween the shaft and ball ensures
precise control and low hysteresis. A locked ball-to-shaft connection ensures no lost motion during critical control.

AIR-CON V-SERIES VALVE POSITIONERS The V-Series is summed up in one word: Simplicity. Changing a Pneumatic Positioner to an Electro-Pneumatic Postistioner, adding a limit switch and/or position transmitter module, or adding gauges is a simple procedure.
Air-Con’s products are used in almost every energy related industry, including oil and gas production, both on and offshore, oil and gas transmission and petroleum refining. Other markets include chemical, petrochemical, pulp andpaper, food and beverage, and water systems
All actuator models have a totally enclosed housing that provides complete protection for all moving parts, minimizing the possibility of internal misalignment and reducing the chance of injury to operating personnel. External field-adjustable stops are provided to allowaccurate adjustment and to assure complete opening andclosing of the valve. All moving parts and bearing surfaces are supplied with a permanent lubricant, which also provides corrosion protection. All Air-Con actuators may be furnished to provide instant operation in the event of an emergency or linebreak when attendants are not available. broad range of torques to 1,565,800 in-lbs. These series are designed to operate ball, butterfly or any device that requires a quarter-turn movement for on-off or throttling service. Click to View or, Download for your use.